Gregor Torsten Kozik

“Becoming is the vanishing of being into nothing and of nothing into being.”
Already in the first moments of concentration, of the first spontaneous notes, with the first placement of the colour patches and the first mental traces of the subconscious on the paper or canvas, the subject appears in front of my inner eye.
I embark on a process that is described by the Hegelian sentence: “Becoming is the vanishing of being into nothing and of nothing into being.”
Again and again, the con- cluded transforms into new be- ginnings until the grand gesture of beginning embeds itself inside like a skeleton that guarantees a shape, a support, a continuity for the whole thing. On top of this comes the deluge of emergences, the blazing of memories and the freezing of emotions.
Once everything is striving towards a great final splendour and the phenomenal feeling of distinct continuity arrives, I know how can feed new energy into the impending torpidity. However, if the mental power is inadequate, everything collapses back into nothing like a shadow play. This is how my artwork comes into being, how my projects, pain- tings, drawings, sculptures and installations begin.
Gregor T. Kozik